Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Had a funny thought run though my brain while taking a moment to breath, stretch and say "thank you" for all that is good in our lives.  As sappy (and truthfully quite awkward for me to say), as it sounds...it's what my experiences have brought me to at this point in life.

When I started this rag-tag blog that's more malfunction than functional, my top priority is to maintain my families privacy.  
Madeline in Yong Frankenstein


For all that I'm out there for the world to see 
(channeling Lucille Ball and Madelin Kahn),
the rest of the household prefers to be supportive behind the scenes.  

With all that said, it's time to share a wee bit more of our story.  Only because many of my girlfriends--the majority, really-- are struggling.  Not just stay at home moms or single moms.  It's all encompassing. There's not necessarily a good guy or a bad guy.  It's called life and it can get very, very hard.  Marriages and families are struggling, crumbling and disintegrating for a various reasons.  100% of the majority of my friends has felt isolated, alone, bereft of emotion, stripped of dignity and self-worth.  We are emotionally and physically exhausted.  

So here I shout, loud and not quite so proud:  We are not a perfect family.  We have loud fights, say mean words, stacks stuff everywhere instead of putting it away, and I'm consistently late in spite of everyone's efforts.  We have hurt feelings and regrets.  There's drama at school and work and we wish we had more / better things.

In the last year, to compound all of life's little set backs, my husband became very ill.  The stay-in-the-hospital-for a week kind of ill.  The ambulance to the house kind of ill.  The mood altering and physically devastating kind of sickness.  

But he's here and we'd like to keep it that way.  So we go to great lengths to bite our tongues, use kind words, change our patterns of inappropriate behavior, for the sake of peace.  In doing so, we are becoming kinder and better humans.  There is more love, more easiness.  There are conversations, puzzles and board games.  And there are fights and tears and pain.  We are not perfect, but we're in our home, filled with food, clothing, heat and running water.  We are able to tithe and volunteer, helping out behind the scenes where we can.

Getting back to my original thought to share:  a little poem spoke in my head, and this is what is said...

Once I bent back to view the sky,
and there above me, flying high,
Was a bug of some kind.
Not a moth or a fly...
It's brain filled of thoughts of
where to dine (or be dined),
No sense of wonder, no other
worries in mind.
Not much of a life--
But at least he could fly.
~Yvette Elrod

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.  Many blessing to all who burdened with life's struggles.  


Saturday, November 22, 2014

My pretty new garbage can--no glitter allowed!

Great Find at Goodwill!  Funny how random things come together sometimes.  As any homeowner will tell you, there are always projects.  This improvement is fun, fast and 'furbished :)

A short while back, in a mad bathroom cleaning frenzy, I wiped down the garbage can.  Really yucky job.  This one is super special, as it's the 1st (of 3) ivory plastic scalloped numbers from 1980 something.                                            
garbage can image.jpg
Why, Right?
The why became apparent in a short trip to the local Freddie”s: pretty garbage cans are pretty expensive!  The idea was immediately back-burner-ed.  Until the halloween / goodwill trip last month, that is!

My find: a solid, plain beechwood garbage “can”. I could hear it screaming, “Look at me!  The possibilities are endless!”  Easily retailing for around $40, and here it is for $6.99!
goodwill garbage can price.jpg
Sadly, it was not green tag day,
so no additional discount.

full sanded garbage can.jpg Yes indeedy, the possibilities are endless. However, I knew exactly what this little guy needed—fresh stain and tile embellishments. (Leftovers from the last bathroom project, yippee!).  

I should warn everyone that many, many, many of my projects are not done with the proper tools and sometimes not with a lot of forethought.  More often than not, my projects a learning experience.

This is not a tutorial or advice!  Just another day in my life :)

The waste basket (it’s not really a can or a box so we’re going with basket), is in great shape. No yucky stuff on the bottom to clean thank goodness. That could've been a deal breaker. 

However, a light sanding with a fine grit and quick coat of stain will make it like new.  This oil based stain is one of several colors on the garage shelf, Golden Pecan. It'll give the lighter beech wood a more rich tone.

Side Note:  The stain took quite a while to dry--over a week!  2 possible
contributing factors:
  • The temps dropped just after applying the stain. Most poly’s / paint labels  advise not to use products below 50 degrees. Even though it was applied in the mid ‘50’s range (give or take a degree), drying time was compromised.
  • Sanding with a deeper grit and graduating to a fine grit would have removed a deeper layer, exposing more bare wood for the product to adhere.

Back on track, I pulled out 3 left over tiles and the caulking gun. 

garbage can tile.jpggarbage tiled no stain.jpg

The tiles are a bit big against the basket laid out flat.  However, layering them creates a nice visual interest! Luckily, there are tubes of brown and grey tone caulk here, which easily blends if one were searching for caulk lines.  Really, just a smidge will do; a line about the size of your finger running criss cross.   I took care to trim the grid backing on the tiles, so not to be seen from front or side :)

Another Side Note: The 4 mini tiled square was a bit flimsy on two corners, as it had nothing to attach against.  To resolve the issue, dissect another separate 4 mini tile and slip 2 mini tiles between the basket and exposed / hanging tiles.  

garbage can completed.jpgDon’t panic if the caulking smudges the wood, it wipes away with a damp cloth. The stones may be trickier to clean.  Not that I would have experience with that.

Once the tiles “set” overnight, I finished it off with a quick spray of clear satin poly over entire project.  The colored tiles immediately popped, turning the dusty slate grey into striking gun metal--almost navy blue--rich color!  Love!

I feel that my work here is done.  Yay, Pretty New, Garbage Basket! Thanks for reading, hope you like my project. Feel free to comment, if the comment button is working, that is. Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday, folks. And please don't spit on anyone just to get closer in your Black Friday line. Honestly! Many Blessings ~Yvette