Sunday, December 4, 2011

The business kit arrives.....

My kit is here!  The box is larger than expected and I’m a little giddy to open it.  It doesn’t matter how old you are; when there is a package at your door—even if you know what it is—it’s a treat.

Inside there is a full set of Timewise Age Fighting Complex.  [Timewise skin care consists of four bottles: cleanser, night solution, day solution and moisturizer].  Big set of color samples (yay)!  Six shades of mineral powder foundation with super cool brushes. And…oh dear.  Lots of literature:  brochures, booklets, receipts and client information cards.  Big consultant handbook and….sweet!  Very nice date book[1] and a couple of cd’s.  Training cd’s.  Crap, what have I gotten myself into?

For a brief moment: buyer’s remorse.  Another home business, with the same lists of friends to contact and possibly support my new endeavor.  Just like the last two times.  Before anymore thoughts emerge, I mentally change direction and focus on reason[2]. 

Reason #1: I just got a steal of a deal just on the products in the box!  The Timewise set alone is $90 value, which is more the cost of the business kit.  If I could do math, I’ll bet that’s a pretty big discount.[3]  Don’t forget, it was the Timewise day solution that I used in “the upper lip experiment”.[4]  I’m truly excited to try the rest of the set and anticipate purchasing more when the time comes.[5]

Not to mention (and I didn’t), there are lots more goodies that didn’t make the cut for this article.  It was sad once the box was emptied.

Reason 2:  My sales approach is to focus on events—fun events—not home parties.  There may be a time when that may happen, but it won’t be the norm and when it comes, I should know all about Mary Kay by then, right??

Confidence timidly returns and I poke through the literature and I see this:  Domestic Abuse.  Well. That’s certainly not fun.  Another packet: Cancer.   Ugh. Isn’t it amazing how that word can knock you to your feet?  Memories of our family adventure with cancer are a bitter reminder of how essential it is to spend time with loved ones. 

I also remember Holly talked a bit about the Mary Kay Foundation last summer and the fun events her team join in to support cancer research.  We didn’t go into details and my brain processed it as nice information to look at later.  Now is later, so I check it out.  Pretty impressive stats:

1.   May 2010, the Foundation awarded $1.3 million in grants to select doctors and medical scientists focusing on curing cancers that affect women. These 13 recipients from across the United States received a $100,000 grant to conduct cutting-edge research.
Since 1996, the Foundation has given more than $14 million to support this effort. Read about how this research has resulted in breakthroughs, new discoveries and promising research.

2.  Every October, The Mary Kay Foundation observes National Domestic Violence Awareness Month by awarding grants to deserving women’s domestic violence shelters across the United States. In 2011, the Foundation awarded $20,000 grants to more than 150 women’s domestic violence shelters across the nation for a total of $3 million.  Each year, the Foundation awards a grant to at least one domestic violence shelter in every state.  Every state.

3.  Like so many other major manufacturers, Mary Kay has taken “Going Green” seriously and takes action to reduce, reuse and recycle.  Quick disclaimer:  Mk does not reuse / resell used or returned cosmetic / skin care.  I mean, it’s not like I looked that up.  That’s pretty nasty and unhygienic, so I’m just gonna go ahead and make the assumption.  

Overall, those are some big numbers and serious issues, not what you would associate with pink cadillacs and lip gloss.  Funny how I’ve been trying to overcome the stigmata associated with the image of a Mary Kay Consultant.  My close friend Vicki was a consultant for years; in fact that’s how we met!  Yet I didn’t really take notice how involved and positive the organization has become.  My brain would not, could not acknowledge anything other than pink lab coats and home facials.  How sad and embarrassing to admit. 
Still, there is a lot more to learn and thank goodness there are DVD’s to watch.  It will be so much more comfortable to understand the products and how they work.  Good thing I have a couple hours during preschool!  Ta for now, Y                                                    

[1] Just when Mitch had almost succeeded in bringing me into the new millennium by relying on my Droid for scheduling and such. 
[2] ‘Cuz I got so much “reason” stuff to spare.
[3] Lord, You Know I Love a Deal
[4] Still waiting for the wrinkles above my right upper lip to match the left side.
[5] At a %50 discount as a Mary Kay consultant.  Good lord, have I mentioned I love a good sale?

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